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700th anniversary of the church

We are marking the 700th Anniversary of the founding of our church building this year! Find out more about the special services and events through the year

Olney Pancake Race

Tuesday 4th March 2025
Shrove Tuesday brings the famous Olney Pancake Race, followed by the annual Shriving Service in the church!

New Electoral Roll for 2025

Every six years the Electoral Roll of all Church of England churches has to be completely revised, and we are revising our Electoral Roll this year. This means that everyone (including current members) will need to complete a form in order to be on the new roll

Olney Cherry Fair

Sunday 29th June 2025
Join us for fun events, activities, foods and stalls!

Deanery reorganisation and new appointment

The Deanery of Newport (of which Olney is a part) is being reorganised, which means we’ll be looking to appoint a Priest-in-Charge rather than a Rector. Click on the link to find out more

Harvest Gifts

Our recent Harvest Lunch raised £266 for the Christian Aid Gaza Appeal, and gifts of food from our Harvest service were delivered to the Olney is Kind foodbank. Many thanks to all involved in organising and preparing our lunch and looking after our food gifts!

Holiday Bible Club 2024

We will be joining the other churches of Olney for the Holiday Bible Club which runs from the 5th to the 9th of August

Annual Church Meeting 2024

The Annual Parochial Church Meeting APCM will be held on Sunday 5th May after a shortened morning service. You can find details of the meeting, and copies of the reports and accounts, here

Thought for the Week 5 Feb 2024

Jo Spray shares our final “Thought for the Week” – now that we are very busy with regular services and other activities we have decided to discontinue our regular feature. Instead we will post prayers and reflections from time to time, along with other news and notices

Shriving Service

Our Shriving service this year is on Tuesday 4th March at 12:15pm, following the end of the Pancake Race. Our guest speaker is Stuart Weir

Charities for the Year

Every year we choose a selection of charities to make a donation to from our income. Find out more about the charities we have chosen to support this year

Sunday Club

We run a Sunday Club on the first and third Sundays of the month during our morning service. Each session is based on a Christian story or theme and can include crafts, story time and singing

Exploring Faith

Our “Exploring Faith” group meetings will start again in January. Dates for our meetings are now available – everyone welcome!

Memory Club

Our Memory Club meets on the first Friday of the month, at 1:30pm in the Church Hall. Join us for a cuppa and a chat, fun activities and reminiscences – everyone is welcome!

Church Mice

Church Mice is a group for babies and young children with their parents or carers. The group meets in the church on Thursday mornings between 10am and 11am during term time