Recruitment for new Priest-in-Charge
We are recruiting a new Priest-in-Charge for our church, and the advertisement for the vacancy has now been published
We are recruiting a new Priest-in-Charge for our church, and the advertisement for the vacancy has now been published
The Deanery of Newport (of which Olney is a part) is being reorganised, which means we’ll be looking to appoint a Priest-in-Charge rather than a Rector. Click on the link to find out more
Our recent Harvest Lunch raised £266 for the Christian Aid Gaza Appeal, and gifts of food from our Harvest service were delivered to the Olney is Kind foodbank. Many thanks to all involved in organising and preparing our lunch and looking after our food gifts!
We will be joining the other churches of Olney for the Holiday Bible Club which runs from the 5th to the 9th of August
The Annual Parochial Church Meeting APCM will be held on Sunday 5th May after a shortened morning service. You can find details of the meeting, and copies of the reports and accounts, here
On Friday 31st May the St. Andrews Madrigal Group will be visiting the church as part of their annual tour. More details to follow.