Small Groups

We have a small group that meets on a Monday afternoon between 2pm and 4pm at Sutcliffe Baptist Church near the Market Place in Olney. Meetings are usually every other week but we often have weekly courses in Lent and Advent.

We usually follow published courses or studies based around different themes, with Bible passages, reflections and questions to think about.

For our Autumn 2024 term we are starting with a few sessions on particular topics:

September 23rd [NB in the church] – “Following Christ in everyday life”

October 7th [NB in the church] – “Jesus in a world of faiths”

October 21st – topic tbc

November 4th – “Contemplation of Scripture”

Later in November we start our weekly Advent course, “Hark the Glad Sound” (a course by John Birch). We will be meeting on November 25th, December 2nd, December 9th and December 16th

As always you are welcome to attend as many or as few sessions as you wish. Please contact us if you’d like to know more or if you’d like to join our group.