We are a diverse and sociable group of about twenty regulars who enjoy one another’s company, lots of chat, laughs and numerous cups of tea.  In many ways this is the most rewarding part of our group – people being in Church informally enjoying the peace, ambience and each other’s company.

Alongside all the interaction we are busy making items in knitting, crochet, cross stitch or anything else that can be sold on our stalls at Dickens of a Christmas and Pancake Day. Over the past 27 years we have raised considerable amounts of money which have been given to help with Church funds. During the summer months we work for charities – for example, baby outfits for Emily’s Star, Twiddle Muffs for Milton Keynes Hospital, Blankets and Angel capes for SANDS, Trauma teddies for Police, Ambulance and Fire Brigade plus others.

If you would like to know more, please feel free to email us or call us via the office.